· · · Overview · · ·
It is a good thing to rest in the promises of God. Zacharias and Elisabeth learned to do that here, and saw the promise fulfilled.
2nd Peter 1.4 records that there are given unto us “exceeding great and precious promises” and we need to lay hold upon them today.
Another feature of this section is the reliance put upon what scripture has stated. Zacharias in his song quotes from Genesis, Exodus, the Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Malachi. It reminds us how dependable and inerrant the Holy scriptures are, and we can have the same confidence in them that Zacharias did in this passage.
May we be like Sarah in Hebrews 11.11 who “judged Him faithful that promised.”
The Birth of John the Baptist
The delivery of a son
The time arrived according to the mercy of God that Elisabeth gave birth to a son. Back in verse 13, Gabriel had predicted this event and told Zacharias it was the result of answered prayer.
The demonstration of God’s mercy
Newberry says in his marginal reading that the Lord was “magnifying His mercy with her.” We receive the benefit of God’s mercies every day, but sometimes that mercy is revealed in an exceptional way, as it was for Elisabeth here.
The delight of her family
Their neighbours and relatives were filled with great joy at the birth and they rejoiced with Elisabeth. We are encouraged to rejoice with them that do rejoice, and the birth of a new child is a great occasion to do so.
Circumcision according to the law
On the eighth day, they gathered to circumcise the child according to Leviticus 12.3, and this reminds us of the personal obedience of this couple as recorded in chapter 1.6. How obedient are we to all the word of God?
Confirmation of his name
They wanted to call him Zacharias after his father, but Elisabeth said: “No, he shall be called John.” They argued with her that none of her relations was called John and signed to Zacharias that he should clarify what the child’s name ought to be. Zacharias wrote: “His name is John.” This is what Gabriel had revealed, and again they adhered exactly to what he had said. Everyone marvelled, the mouth of Zacharias was opened and the meaning of all the sayings about John and the manner of this child caused a great stir throughout that region.
Clear indication of Divine support
“The hand of the Lord was with him” (verse 66). What a blessing to be assured of the Lord’s power and the Lord’s presence!
The Song of Zacharias.
The prophetic scriptures realised
Zacharias is filled then with the Holy Spirit and he prophesies. He blesses the God of Israel for His visitation and redemption. He speaks of the promise of God through the prophets to raise up a deliverer from the house of David to save His people from their enemies.
The covenant of God remembered
He remembers the covenant God made with Abraham that would result in His people worshipping and serving God without fear in holiness and righteousness.
The service of John anticipated
He then speaks about John that he would be the prophet of the Highest. John would be the forerunner of the Lord, going before His face and preparing the way for Him who was to come. Isaiah 40.3 and Malachi 3.1 had predicted this very event. He would give knowledge of salvation to the people through the remission of their sins according to the mercy of God.
He speaks of Divine visitation and of the light that would shine upon the people who were in darkness and under the shadow of death, to guide them into the way of peace.
We are told of the growth of the child and the strength of his spirit and the seclusion that he knew living in the deserts waiting for the time when God would show him that he was to go with his ministry to the people of Israel. John, like many others, had to learn the necessity of private preparation before engaging in public service.