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However, despite the way things may appear at times, God does sit in the throne of the heavens, and He is in control.  Let us never forget that He is essentially good and is a faithful creator.  Paul tells us in Romans chapter 1. that the problem is that people in the world have turned away from God and do not want Him in their lives.  Their lives are filled with things that are made, rather than being filled with the God who made them.  People love the pleasures of sin, rather than love God.

Nevertheless, Paul tells us that God is blessed for ever.  The suggestion was made to the man Job, who was experiencing multiple tragedies in his life, that he should “curse God and die.”  But Job said: “Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job chapter 1, verse 21).  Thankfully, there are many who feel the same way, and indeed, one day soon, a great innumerable company will take their place around the heavenly throne to bless Him.  Will you be among those who bless God for ever?

Then Paul also tells us that the Lord Jesus, who came down into this world, is over all, God blessed for ever.  Yes, He came to Bethlehem, and He came to Calvary and died for our sins.  However, we must never forget who He is!  Jesus is God blessed for ever, and He is over all!  Christ came, but Bethlehem is past; Christ died, but the cross work has been finished for two thousand years.  Where then is Christ now?  He lives for ever, and He is far above all, and He is over all!  The Father salutes Him in Hebrews chapter 1. to say: “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.”  Yes, He is God blessed for ever.  Have you confessed Him as your Lord and your God?  (cf. John chapter 20, verse 28.)

In many ways, we can understand these statements.  The Creator is blessed for ever.  Christ is blessed for ever.  Yet in Psalm 21, David says of himself: “Thou hast made him most blessed for ever.”  David looked back on his life and reflected on God’s blessings:

The Longings of his heart were satisfied;

Loving-kindness was supplied by the God he trusted;

Longevity of life was enjoyed, though undeserved;

God lavished upon him honour and majesty in his kingly reign.

Then he sums it all up by saying, in verse 6: “Thou hast made him (David the king) most blessed for ever.”

After this life is over, the blessings of God are still to be enjoyed by His people.  What is it that makes the difference here?  David tells us in verse 7: “For the king trusts in the Lord.”  He trusted Him in the past for salvation and the forgiveness of his sins, and he kept on trusting Him for everlasting blessings.

So let us ask ourselves today if we are sure of being blessed for ever.  There is a place of eternal torment, but through faith in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and by receiving Him as our Saviour we can be assured that we are amongst those who are most blessed for ever!


Three occurrences of this phrase in the Bible to which we would like to draw your attention are:

Romans chapter 1, verse 25. - “ ... the Creator, who is blessed for ever.”

Romans chapter 9, verse 5. - “ ... Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever.”

Psalm 21, verse 6. - “For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance.”

It is always good to remind ourselves about the truth that God is the Creator of all things.  Maybe we look back over past years and think of disasters like the earthquake and tsunami that shook Japan, or the hurricane that devastated Haïti, or even further back to the terrible effects of the oil spillage in the Gulf of Mexico. Perhaps such events make us question if there is a creator God.