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For the couple in Luke 24, sense was going to be made of their dilemma by the drawing near of a Stranger, who undoubtedly had the answers that they sought.  (Luke 24.15-17)

A Heart-Warming Explanation

The Stranger asked “Was it not needful for Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?”  (Luke 24.26)  Then clearly He showed them the scriptures going back to the books of Moses and the writings of the prophets to confirm the necessity of the sufferings that Jesus Christ the Son of God came to bear.  Psalm 22. and Isaiah 53. with other scriptures would be used to emphasise the plan of God that One who was holy and pure would bear the Judgment of God against sin.  “Despised and rejected,” “wounded for our transgressions,” “bruised for our iniquities,” “chastised for our peace,” this is what the prophet had clearly pronounced so long ago.  (Isaiah 53.3-6)

This brought a new perspective to their thinking and their heart warmed to the truth as revealed by the Stranger.

A Faith-Changing Experience

The time had passed quickly as they walked and talked and it was evening when they arrived at Emmaus. Courteously, they invited the Stranger to spend the night in their home.  Then, as they were about to eat their evening meal, the Stranger gave thanks, and the scales fell from their eyes to make them see that the risen Christ was before them.  (Luke 24.30-31)

Perhaps Jesus Christ is just a stranger to you in the trials of life.  He has no desire to impose Himself upon you but He wants to draw near and make Himself known to you.  He is the Saviour who can cleanse your sin and warm your heart by bringing joy and peace.  He is the risen Lord indeed, whom God has exalted and set down at His own right hand.  (Hebrews 1.3)

Don’t be slow to believe, but place your faith in the living Christ today, and receive the living hope of eternal inheritance in heaven with Him.  (1Peter 1.3-5)


A Mind-Shattering Event

The walk back to Emmaus from Jerusalem gave time to reflect and discuss the momentous happenings three days before. (Luke 24.13)  Their hopes had been shattered as the hammer drove the nails through the hands and feet of the One they had followed.  The death and burial of Jesus Christ had left them in a sad position and their hopes for the future seemed dashed to pieces.  (Luke 24.19-21)

Perhaps you, in the recent past, have had to deal with mind-shattering events, and turmoil has been brought into your life.  You may keep turning over and over in your mind what has occurred until weariness sets in. Where do you turn in such dire circumstances?