he is alive
the gift list
christ is risen
blessed for ever
the incarnation
walking with the living christ
the incomparable christ
© Bethany Hall, Glenburn, Prestwick.
Bethany Hall
Shaw Road
KA9 2LN.
Not idle curiosity!
Asking the question “How?” can also be just a kind of information filler. We would like the details, but only in a detached way, as we don’t think the answers will have any relevance to us personally. However, the Incarnation has momentous significance, not only for Mary but for the entire human race. God, through this means, was to take upon Himself human form. (2) This would link Deity and humanity forever. God is manifest in flesh! (3) The eternal Word became flesh and dwelt among
us. (4) Mary knew the One to be born was the Son of the Highest and the Saviour of sinners. (5) We cannot afford just to be curious about this, we need to be concerned as to how it affects us as individuals.
Genuine Inquiry!
That Mary was a virgin is confirmed by her own statement, “I know not a man.” (6) The question was, how could a woman without a man bear a Son? This the angel plainly answers to the satisfaction of Mary and to the acceptance of every genuine Christian from that time until now. The Holy Spirit would accomplish this. (7) This Divine Person would come upon Mary and produce in her womb the conditions for her to conceive the Child. She, under the overshadowing power of the Highest, would conceive and bear a Son. The answer is thus given to the question “How?”
Submissive obedience!
Mary responded with, “Be it unto me according to thy word.” (8) She believed what she was told
and submitted to it! This is the present day challenge to the coming into the world of Jesus Christ. He came that He might become a man and in so doing be able to die for the sins and the guilt of the human race at the cross of Calvary. If human sinners were to be saved and forgiven, only God in the form of man could accomplish this, and this the Lord Jesus did through the shedding of His blood and the giving of His life on the cross. “This Man (the Lord Jesus), after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God”. (9) The explanation has been given. What now will your response be? Like Mary will you believe the word of God and submit in your heart to its truth?
We are all sinners (10) and we all need a Saviour. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (11) “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” (12)
Bible References:
Luke 1.34
1st Timothy 3.1
John 1.14
Luke 1.34
Luke 1.35
Luke 1.38
Hebrews 10.12
Romans 3.23
1st Timothy 1.15
Acts 16.31
Not sceptical dismissal!
Sometimes the attitude to the Incarnation, the coming into the world of the Son of God, can be treated with disdain. “It couldn’t possibly happen,” we are told. Some consider the virgin birth to be a biological impossibility. The result of human deliberation usually leads to aspersions cast on the character of Mary and the dismissal of Divine intervention as simply the figment of an overactive, religious imagination. However, Mary herself was not sceptical, and at no time did she doubt that it could happen, but wanted clarification as to how it would be accomplished, so she asked: “How shall this be …?” (1)